API compatible contact tracing now mandatory for business venues and facilities
QR Code/API compliance amnesty ends 23 April

Contact tracing has now become part of our normal lives to help contact tracers in the event a positive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) is identified. The Victorian Government has developed a new Visitation Application Programming Interface (API) that allows a QR code system to ‘speak’ with Victoria’s contact tracing system technology. This change will allow contact tracers to quickly access check-in data.
From 26 March, all QR code providers will need to ensure their technology can connect to the Victorian Government’s contact tracing system, if they are being used by Victorian businesses.
A 28-day compliance amnesty will be in place from 6.00pm 26 March until 6.00pm 23 April 2021.
It is now mandatory for the following business venues and facilities to use the Victorian Government QR Code service or a digital system that is API-compatible.
- Hospitality, including food and drink facilities, such as cafes, restaurants, pubs, bars, clubs and hotels
- Indoor physical recreation and community sport, including staffed and unstaffed gyms, play centres, indoor skateparks and indoor trampolining centres)
- Outdoor physical recreation and community sport
- Pools, spas, saunas, steam rooms and springs (indoor and outdoor spaces, including water or non-water areas)
- Ceremonies and religious gatherings, including places of worship
- Weddings: Record keeping requirements as per the venue where the wedding is held
- Funerals: Record keeping requirements as per the venue where the funeral is held
- Community venues and facilities including libraries and toy libraries (not including outdoor skate parks, playgrounds, and other outdoor communal areas)
- Creative arts facilities such as art studios, music studios and rehearsal rooms
- Real estate inspections and auctions
- Seated entertainment venues (indoors and outdoors)
- Indoor non-seated venues such as galleries
- Outdoor non-seated entertainment venues such as zoos, live museums
- Arcades, escape rooms, bingo centres
- Drive in cinemas
- Amusement parks
- Gaming (casinos, gaming machine areas, retail betting venues)
- Adult entertainment (brothels, sex on premises venues, sexually explicit entertainment)
- Nightclubs
- Karaoke
- Hairdressing, beauty and personal care services
- Accommodation (visitors in shared, communal spaces)
- Commercial tourism operators including, but not limited to:
- Guided tours of museums, galleries, historic locations
- Adventure sports (ballooning, abseiling, rock climbing, canoeing, kayaking).
- Marine based tours (kayaking, scuba, fishing, surfing)
- Commercial passenger vehicles (28-day compliance amnesty period was completed on 26 March 2021).
If you are already using the free Victorian Government QR Code Service for your record keeping, you do not need to do anything. Service Victoria’s QR code system already integrates with the contact tracing system.
If you are not using the Victorian Government QR Code Service, find out if the app you are using is connected to the Victorian Government Visitation API. If it is, you don’t need to do anything – just keep using the app as usual.
If you need to change providers because your current provider is not connected to the Victorian Government API, the Victorian Government QR Code Service is easy to use and is free for all Victorian businesses and organisations. Your provider will be able to discuss this process with you.
For more information, read Record keeping for contact tracing.
Eased restrictions for businesses
For more detail on these changes, please read the COVIDSafe Settings.
Updated plans, templates and signage
Review your COVIDSafe Plan now. Your business must have an active and up to date COVIDSafe Plan.
Download and display the updated signage to remind people to check-in and follow other safety measures.
#staysafestayopen #contacttracing #covidsafe #qrcode #vicgovt
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Victoria
Victorian Government Visitation API
Victorian Government QR Code Service
Record keeping for contact tracing – information for business
Signs, posters and templates for your workplace
Posted: 31 March 2021